We don’t want culture to be for the privileged few – great art should be accessible to everybody, with the benefits spread far and wide.

Arts are the engine of social mobility, they support the health and wellbeing of young people, and equal access ensures that all the talent can see a potential career in the arts.

As the school curriculum squeezes arts and culture out, and household budgets tighten as the cost of living worsens, equal access to high quality arts experiences becomes more essential and is our clear mission as we launch Adventures in Culture.

What is Adventures in Culture?

  • The opportunity to access a variety of arts and culture outings and see things ‘up close’ that you might not usually see
  • Outings across a range of culture – theatre, dance, talks, workshops, films, museums, performances, spoken word, the list goes on
  • Prepare to be inspired and challenge yourself
  • Open up possibilities about your future prospects
  • Listening to what YOU want – we are creating a committee to help decide on where we go and what we do. We want Adventures in Culture to be led by you.
  • Always free to attend
  • Bring friends and make friends


We will mostly be adventuring in and around Leeds, however there could be opportunity for travel further afield to Manchester, London. 


We hope to start our adventures shortly. The Youth Advisory Group had its inaugural meeting this October.

What are the adventures going to be?

They could be anything! GCF will be led by young people themselves on what experiences Some ideas that have already been put forward include:

  • Culture party
  • Performance showcase
  • Attend a talk by musicians and producers
  • Take part in a masterclass
  • Mentoring from the network of GCF artists
  • Attend a dance, spoken word, theatre or music show (such as Charlie And The Chocolate Factory at the Playhouse this December)

To find examples of the previous activities produced by the Geraldine Connor Foundation, have a peek at our blog.