Adventuring with DJ School & Sable This April, we embarked on another Adventure In Culture as a group of young people took part in an activity packed afternoon with two workshops introducing them to DJing and content creation. Despite the rainstorm we reached DJ School where Lawrie and Lucinda led an informative Introduction to DJing workshop and the group got to test out the high tech equipment. They left inspired, we’ve definitely got some budding DJs amongst us! We then headed back to The Tetley, where Baile from Sable Radio was waiting for us with a content creation workshop. The group was told that The Tetley had lost their marketing team and needed an Instagram reel ASAP! The exhibition upstairs and food market downstairs provided plenty of content for the group to film, they then used capcut to edit and put it to music. We got to test out Space 3, the new room at The Tetley created in collaboration with Sable Radio which is looking great. Complete with a kitchen, sofas, computers and massive table for creative endeavours, it was the perfect environment for the young people to come together in. Thank you so much to DJ School, The Tetley, and Sable Radio for providing space and amazing workshops that everyone enjoyed. Additional thanks to our Adventures In Culture donors, without you this wouldn’t be possible! If you are able to donate to Adventures In Culture, please click here.